Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hello Everyone

I don't really have any experience with blogging, so I'm going to start simple. I'm Bella. I like to sing and play some sports. (Soccer, tennis) My mom says I should do track in the winter and spring since soccer will be over in a few weeks, but I don't know. Probably. I should get some exercise. For Halloween I am doing a group costume (again) and we are going to be pageant people (Miss whichever state) and I'm Miss California. This just came to me: What if the person in the pageant is married? Would she be Mrs. California? But that doesn't make any sense either... Cause she's not married to someone with the last name California...I don't know...I'm just all random at this time of day. I don't even know what I'm going to type until I type it. Whatever...Well, until I find something more interesting to talk about, I'm going to wrap this up. Hopefully next post will be better and longer!
Thanks for reading!